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The story of our farm salads

salad from microgreen

Are you the one who spends a lot of our time searching for a healthy diet?

Well, the search is now over. Because microgreens are up with their delicious and healthy bite of salads.  

Yes, you read it right. This blog is all about the variety of salads from Supple Agro Microgreens, as per your taste and nutritive demands.


You would have consulted or heard dietitians, fitness trainers, therapists, family, and friends talking about multiple ways of healthy eating.  

Something that goes common in all those advice is “go for organic”. 

The stories of our ancestors are evidence of how mother earth is the cure to all our problems. And so microgreens have created customized salads for your taste, health, and well-being.

Ready to eat salads

Stop worrying about different sauces, salt, black pepper, or additional ingredients. Microgreens have got this covered for you. 
All our salads are double washed, added with perfectly proportionate ingredients and the packets are sanitized before we deliver.

So without wasting more of your time let me give you a glimpse of all our salads and their benefits. 

1. Mix Salad

As the name infers, it is ready to eat mixed salad that contains red lettuce, green lettuce, romaine, rocula with a complimentary sachet of salt, pepper, oregano with extra virgin olive oil, and thousand island dressing.

Writing the outlines itself made me feel the taste, but trust me every bite of this salad will make you happy within. 

Mix Salad from Microgreens

All about “Mix Salad”

  • It consists of 4 to 5 different types of lettuce which are grown in our own farm. Therefore, they are all organic.
  • The standards of ingredients are maintained from the last 4 years (created by the leading chef of Delhi).
  • For the dressing, we use “A thousand island dressing”.

Add ons

With a mixed salad, you get virgin olive oil, folk, knife, Salt, pepper, and oregano you just have to open, mix and eat.

Health Benefits

  • Low in calories, supports weight loss The presence of veggies makes this salad high in nutrients and low in calories. It is a perfect alternate for people who wants to lose weight as it consists of high fiber. This salad will keep your tummy full for long!
  • Increases immunity Lettuce and rocula are loaded with powerful antioxidants protecting your cells against free radicals and helping to immunity to improve.
  • Good for eyes  All the veggies used in the salad are high with vitamin A. Therefore, it supports the vision and protects the eyes.
  • Supports skincare The salad is high in vitamin C protecting skin from UV exposure and inhibits melanin production that lightens the color of the skin.

2. Kale Salad

Kale is also known as a superfood because of its high nutritive value. The kale salad contains kale, swiss chard, baby spinach, green lettuce, red cabbage with a complimentary sachet of salt, pepper, oregano with extra virgin olive oil, and honey-lemon vinaigrette dressing.

Kale Salad from Microgreens

All about “Kale Salad”

  • Honey, lemon, vinegar dressing (Inhouse dressing), specially made so that it gets mixed with kale. A dressing that complements the kale salad. 
  • We have observed the international standards for this dressing. 

Add ons

With a Kale salad, you get virgin olive oil, folk, knife, Salt, pepper, and oregano you just have to open, mix and eat.

Health Benefits

  • Supports weight loss
    One cup of raw kale contains 33 calories and only 7 grams of carbohydrates which makes the salad really supportive for weight loss.
  • High nutrition
    Kale contains nutrients like calcium, iron, antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and a wide range of other nutrients.
  • Fights diseases
    The nutrients present in the salad will help you to fight against diseases like heart disease, bone health, skincare, and many more.

3. Caesar Delight Salad

To explain the feel of this salad, a one-liner outline for this salad is “Lettuce salad with a dressing of Caesar”. We use romaine lettuce which is used in making this salad tastier.

Caesar Delight Salad from Microgreens

All about “Caesar Salad”

  • Dressed with lemon juice, olive oil, anchovies, garlic, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce, Parmesan cheese, and black pepper.

Add ons

With a Caesar Delight salad, you get virgin olive oil, folk, knife, Salt, pepper, and oregano you just have to open, mix and eat. Also a sachet of fresh and crispy bread crumbs and a sachet of shredded parmesan cheese.

Health Benefits

  • Low in calories, supports weight loss The presence of veggies makes this salad high in nutrients and low in calories. It is a perfect alternative for people who want to lose weight as it consists of high fiber.
  • Good for skin The presence of vitamin C makes this salad a perfect choice for people who want a glowing skin. Btw! Who doesn’t want one? 
  • Health-beneficial bioactive
    This salad is filled with healthy nutrients that support the metabolic processes helping digestion and preventing the body from various diseases. 

Take Away

All these salads are designed in such a unique manner with a shelf life of 5 days 

and the boxes can be used on small parties, sports events, picnics, school activities etc.

We have designed these salads 4 years back and now due to COVID, we believe that these salads are now becoming more important than ever to add in your daily lifestyle and boost immunity. 
These salads are ready to eat and healthy. A classic choice for your health and body.

Hey! Do you know, all our veggies are double washed and sanitized. We provide hand sanitizer and tissue paper with every pack.

So you can now order and eat anywhere.

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An Avocado a day will keep you healthy always!


“Avocado”- A fruit that is considered as the new king of the organic world. This versatile fruit is now used by every age group which is served as a part of salad and or used for dressing.

People use Avocado to make smoothies, eat it raw, or sometimes even create a desert.

Well, the world is full of creative and tasty eating alternatives but avocado adds health to it.

1. Boosted with nutrients

Avocado, the trendiest fruit of this time, which is known for its incredibly nutritious benefits. But let’s not go with words and dive into the pool of facts.

So here is the data researched and studied by the USDA about the nutritive excellence of avocado.

(Note: The values of nutrition content are derived with a portion of 100 g)

The amount of energy is 192 g, Protein 15.38 g, Fiber 7.7 g, Potassium 423 mg, Sodium 692 mg.

Avocado is seen to have really high potassium therefore it supports fluid regulation, muscle contraction & nerve signals.

It also helps in reducing blood pressure and overcoming water retention.

2. Heart friendly

The nutritious value of avocado makes it a wonderful diet alternative for heart patients too. As you can see in the data above.

The avocado is seen to have a high-fat content that may lead you to concern!

But to make it clear, let me tell you “the majority of fat in avocado is monounsaturated fat which will help you lower the LDL level making it good for the heart”. 

A study from Pennsylvania State found that eating one avocado a day has real heart-healthy benefits.  

3. Anti-inflammatory properties

The fruit is full of anti-inflammatory properties which are extracted from the seeds of avocado.

Researches also prove that it serves as a very high source of anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as high-quality food ingredients or pharmaceuticals.   

So how do anti-inflammatory properties really help? 

Well, let me take you to a quick tour of understanding about inflammation. In simple words, it is your body’s way to protect itself from infection or injury.

A body with a high inflammatory response tends to have a high production of white blood cells, immune cells, and they also produce high cytokines that help in fighting infection. 

4. Protect eyes

A study says that the green color pigment present in avocado helps in keeping eyesight strong and protect some of the common eye problems such as cataract, glaucoma, and degeneration. 
Another nutrient that is extremely high on Avocado which makes it a perfect option for people facing eye-related is vitamin A. 

5. Regulates Blood Pressure

The benefits of Avocado does not end here. The fruit consists of oleic acid which promises to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol level. 

As we have discussed above, it also consists of high potassium and folate making it essential for good heart health, ultimately leading to proper regulation of blood pressure.

6. Help in relieving from arthritis pain

“Avocado helps in reducing arthritis pain.”

Evidence to the above statement is the dietary supplements that are used to treat moderate pain and reduce the consumption of NSAID’s.

It helps in reducing the pain and modify the symptoms of EULAR because of the presence of chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronan, and glucosamine sulfate.

7. Healthy for pregnant women

Avocados are one of those popular fruits which never stops amazing us with the benefits it provides.

As it consists of all the nutrients that a baby needs like vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, folate, and vitamin K. 

So If you are pregnant or planning for a baby, don’t forget to always add Avocado in your shopping list. 

8. Loaded With Fiber

Avocado helps in reducing weight as it consists of high fiber. Avocados are really rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, and many Vitamin B. 

When we talk numerically Avocado consists of approx 6.7% fiber.

9. Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

The fruit helps in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride level. It involves the type of unsaturated fats that are considered to be a healthy type of fat.

The fats existing in avocado, i.e. both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats help in lowering blood cholesterol levels that make it a very healthy food.

10. Cancer

The presence of folate in Avocado has shown results in protecting against the colon, pancreatic, and cervical cancers

The reason behind this is the undesirable mutations in DNA and RNA during cell division. 

Research also claimed that the presence of phytochemicals extracted from avocado can help in the inhibition of the growth of some cancerous cells.

Take away! 

Avocado helps in soo many ways, they provide us a healthy lifestyle. As we now know the benefits of Avocado, always make sure to never miss a bite of it.
And yes! Now we can definitely say “An avocado a day will keep you healthy always”. 

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Know About Microgreens | Types & Uses

Know About Microgreens | Types & Uses

What are microgreens? 

It is quite simple to extract the meaning for the name itself, “microgreens” which means “the micro variants of matured plants”.

Microgreens are the budding stage of plants, it is the time when leaves merely start to grow and shoots are 2-3 inches tall. They can be grain, herb, or vegetables cultivated in a growing medium and harvested within a few weeks before developing the first plant of grown leaves.

In the year 1980 microgreens commenced showing up on menus and for the first time, they were seen formally seen in chefs’ menus at San Francisco.

Slowly and gradually the idea was accepted all over the world. And now microgreens are in one of the leading positions for organic lovers.

Hey, don’t get confused with sprouts, microgreens are entirely different!

So let’s move towards understanding different types of microgreens and see what they truly are.

Types of microgreen

Microgreens family! 

There are many varieties that stand under the category of microgreens and the name may sound familiar to you which are Onion, Beetroot, Cabbage, Amaranth red, Radish White, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and a few others.

For the ease of understanding, we have categorized the varieties into different families.

  • Asteraceae family: Endive, lettuce, chicory, and radicchio
  • Brassicaceae family: Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, watercress, radish, and arugula
  • Apiaceae family: Dill, fennel, carrot, and celery
  • Amaranthaceae family: Amaranth, beet, quinoa swiss chard, and spinach
  • Cucurbitaceae family: Melon, cucumber, and squash
  • Amaryllidaceae family: Onion, garlic, leek

Microgreens are soo beneficial

You can not imagine how beneficial these little greens plants are to you. Easy to grow, completely pesticide-free, and can be consumed just after harvesting.
With all these benefits microgreens gives you a complete package of health & nutrition.

  • High Nutrition: They are full of vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper. The nutrients that are required by every age group.
    Each microgreen has a different nutritional value and all of them are highly rich in fiber.
    Microgreens are at healthiest when consumed raw, so what could be a better way than consuming high nutrients at simply one go.
  • Cost-effective: They can be grown in a very cost-efficient way and are completely fuss-free to grow.  So say goodbye to expensive ornamental plants and use these versatile options for garnishing.
  • High nutrient than mature greens: Researches have confirmed that microgreens have higher nutrients (nine times higher) than mature plants.
    Additionally researches also confirm that microgreens contain a wider variety of polyphenols and other antioxidants. 

Microgreens have many eating options 

As we already discussed, the nutrients of microgreens are high when eaten raw. However, every microgreen has a different story and a tasty way to be consumed.

You can have them as a salad or use them to garnish. You can also make a microgreens sandwich or smoothie.

Microgreens are wholesome and delicious in every way you eat them. So wherever you find them grab the opportunity to add to your own recipe.

microgreen recipe

Differences between microgreens & sprouts

So now as we know what are microgreens and their types, let us also explore the reason for how they differ from sprouts.

Microgreens  Sprouts
Grown in soil  Germinate in water
Leaves & stem are eatable  Stem & seeds are eatable 
Takes two-three weeks to grow, depending upon variety (approx) Under a week to grow
Used mostly for garnishing  Used for crunch 
Over 100 varieties Just a few varieties are available 
Higher nutrients especially fiber level  Lower nutrients and fiber level
Requires sunlight to grow Do not need sunlight to grow

Take away notes 

The microgreens have always been a smarter and healthier choice of every organic lover, they are full of nutrients, and therefore adding them as a part of a meal boosts the health and immunity of every age group.

Microgreens are mostly confused by sprouts, but both of them have an entirely different science that we already discussed. 

To sum it up, all I would say is, “no matter how or which microgreens you are consuming. Make a habit of adding them to your diet”.

And if you are worried about finding them fresh contact us – Microgreens.